Saturday, January 9, 2021

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Think Pink!

For the RSC21, I have decided to create blocks that can be used in a sampler quilt in the future. I recently found my copy of Tula Pink's City Sampler - 100 Modern Quilt Blocks and decided to use this as my focus. I have had it on my shelf for quite a few years, but previously only glanced at it. I really like the way each block is presented. Perhaps it is the IKEA style of directions - few words on a given page.  For those not familiar, the blocks are divided into 6 categories. In order not to get frozen by selecting the perfect blocks each month, I turned to a random number generator and asked it to spit out 10 numbers. I used the first four numbers on the list (see results below) that fell into four different chapters. I anticipate as the year goes on having to generate increasing more numbers each month to avoid duplicate blocks.

Currently my scraps are rather large - as in full cuts of fabric. The past few years have not been kind to my quilting space or time and I've done more collecting of fabric than cutting of fabric. Concurrent with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I'm participating in the Joyful Quilter's Table Scraps Challenge. So, to stay in the spirit of this challenge - blocks made for RSC21 will start with scraps from the monthly Table Scraps project if I don't already have scraps in the monthly color.  I will also try to work from the oldest bits of my stash before moving on to newer acquisitions. Above all, I will strive to have fun! My first step was to pull the pink from my stash to see what I actually have to work with. Most of these ended up back on the shelves. Originally I planned to go heavy on the flamingos, but the patterns I'm using thought differently.

Paydirt! I decided I wanted to use woven hearts for the table topper. My mother is Danish and woven hearts were a featured decoration at home. As I rifled through my stacks I found a pink that I dyed during a quilt bee meeting and never used, a roll of hand dyes that I have no idea where they came from in varying pinks and reds, and several fabrics that my father picked out while vacationing in Portugal. These fabrics are featured in three of the four RSC blocks that I have completed.


I'm using the backside of the fabric I dyed myself as I'm wasn't wild about the contrast on the front. I prefer the subtle texture the back gives. That fabric appears in blocks 7, 50, and 98. Block 50 features all of the Table Scraps fabrics - and that is a block I swapped out when I decided to use bonus triangles created as a result (the random generator gave me block 49). Block 71 is the only one that sent me into my uncut stash this month. The scrap I found to use for the block 98 feature fabric includes both large and small elements, freeing me of the need to find a third fabric. 

I finished these more quickly than I expected, so I may add a few more later this month.

It will be fun to see what I have to play with at the end of the year.

Linking up to So Scrappy


The Joyful Quilter said...

That sounds like a GREAT plan for the year, Kirsten!! Tackling the City Sample in a block(s)-of-the-month format has worked for several friends. Good luck (and welcome to the RSC!!)

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I looove your #71 and #98 blocks! It's a very good plan for the RSC, a beautiful variety of blocks.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That looks like a great way to choose some very interesting blocks for the RSC! Yours are pretty in pink!

grammajudyb said...

Your blocks turned out great! Welcome to RSC! What an innovative way to chose blocks! 👍🏻

sue s said...

I'm new to your blog. What a clever way to choose blocks!

Susie H said...

Beautiful blocks!!!! All four are wonderful but am I allowed to have a favorite(s)? I really like #7 and #50. Looking forward to seeing what you put out next week!