Monday, January 18, 2021

Living the Good Life!



Today my sweet Monkey (Carterhall Thistledown Virtue) is 15!  She joined our family nearly 14 years ago after a short career as a show dog. For most of that time, she was a part of the dynamic duo of Dash and Monkey. Sadly we lost Dash last year a few weeks shy of his 15th birthday.  


Gus and Monkey grew up together (he is 20 now!). And she put up with more than her share of hijinks.

When she was younger, we referred to her as the Ninja because she would stage incredible sneak attacks on poor unsuspecting Dash. She is a thinker and a planner and for 13 years would trick him out of the prime spot on the couch or someone's lap by offering to play with him and abandoning the game approximately 15 seconds into it to take the surrendered spot. By far the most annoying to Dash was when she would following him around grabbing the cookies and crumbs that he released from the puzzle toys. Granted, he would get her back by stealing her stuffed Kongs, so it probably evened out.

For so many years they were inseparable, that when he got sick we were a little concerned as to how she would fare. She is faring quite well and enjoying her time as "The ONLY Dog!" thank you very much.

In August 2020, she travelled with me to Florida for a month while Mom recovered from hip replacement surgery. My fuzzy copilot was an excellent travelling companion, though a lousy navigator. Her favorite activity now, besides sleeping, is car rides. And we can tell it is a good day when she sneaks out the front door with me to see if she can 'go with' to wherever I'm going. If it is a simple errand, most often curbside pickup these days, yes, she can. I think she is ever hopeful that 'go with' will include a trip through a drive through on the way home.

These days, she spends her day sleeping under my desk or next to Mike as we are both working from home. Or "helping" as I attempt to assemble yet another piece of furniture. 

She has brought much joy and humor to us over the past 14 years and we cherish the days with her.

1 comment:

The Joyful Quilter said...

Happy Birthday, Monkey!! It was nice meeting you the day before you turned 15.